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Evernote Encrypted Notebooks with pkiNote

Evernote is almost now a standard for keeping personal notes and diaries. As more people keep their personal diaries online, they also want them to be private. We decided to demonstrate how you can use pkiNote Free Edition to protect your private entries.
This is a content protection, so the content stays encrypted, and even if anybody will get access to user account, they will not be able to see your notes. In fact, after you have encrypted your note nobody will see it until you decide to decrypt it.
Check more details about this in our blog post or just have a look at the video below
Contact us if you have any further questions. And also check our buypki Youtube channel for more info about our products including pkiImage for image encryption, and pkiStorage for password and X.509 certificate management.
Flickr. Biggr. Spectaculr. It can also be "safr"!

We decided to showcase an experiment with help of Flickr. This experiment was based on X.509 certificates (which are part of Public Key Infrastructure) and image encryption. Our target was to show how an encrypted and digitally signed image can be share between two users easily.
Check out our blog post for a full description of the process. However if you dont want to read just check below video from our Youtube Channel:
pkiStorage Free - Creating a mobile encrypted storage for X.509 certificates
The video below is a demonstration of USB functionalities in pkiStorage together with certificate's auto-registration feature that allow you to create a mobile encrypted storage for your X.509 certificates.
Certificates (including private keys) are stored on the USB in the encrypted storage instead of Windows Registry, and auto-registration in Windows allow your applications to use them when necessary without compromising the security of your private keys.
pkiStorage is an encrypted storage software for your passwords and X.509 certificates.
pkiStorage version 1.0.2 x86 download link:
User Guide:
Please read the user guide. You can also find demo certificates in /certs folder. You can contact us for more information using our contact form or writing to us at:
More guides and additional information can be found on our buypki Youtube channel.
pkiStorage - Encrypted storage for your X.509 certificates and passwords

pkiStorage is an encrypted storage software for your passwords and X.509 certificates. pkiStorage has the following features:
- encrypted storage of passwords, PINs and etc.
- encrypted storage of X.509 certificates (including PFX, e.g. certificates with private keys)
- support of autoregistration of X.509 certificates in Windows registry upon opening the storage and deregistration upon closing the storage. This allows you to keep all your certificates secure from Windows Registry and use them only when needed.
- support of USB - pkiStorage automatically can find encrypted storage on any USB device when it is plugged in. And with combination of autoregistration of certificates you can have a mobile encrypted certificate storage.
pkiStorage version 1.0.2 x86 download link:
User Guide:
This free version has certain limitation. In corporate version it is possible to specify USB or USB key serial number thus a storage can be opened only on this selected device.
Please read the user guide. You can also find demo certificates in /certs folder. You can contact us for more information using our contact form or writing to us at:
More guides and additional information can be found on our buypki Youtube channel. Here is the overview video:
pkiImage - Free image encryption software
pkiImage Free Edition is a first absolutely free image (.jpg, .png, .bmp and etc.) encryption software that is using X.509 certificates and can be integrated into PKI infrastructure. One of the main features is that pkiImage doesn't change image format, so your .jpg file stays .jpg, can be upload to sites like Flickr, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive and etc.
Using this software you can:
- encrypt images for your friends and be sure that nobody except authorized users will see it
- decrypt images from your friends
- digitally sign images thus protecting your authorship of the image
- block export capabilities thus leaving only possibility for friends to view (and not to save) an image
This software operates only with X.509 certificates. You can find demo certificates in /certs folder. Please read Quick Start Guide to see how to run this software to verify it's functionality.
pkiImage and pkiNote are part of free tools available and you can download them from here:
Be sure to check video for starting pkiImage:
To fully test the potential software try the following recommendation:
To properly test this you need to set-up three Virtual machines:
VM#1-install Alice's .pfx,
VM#2 - install Bob's .pfx,
VM#3 - install Charlie .pfx.
And install all .cer files on all three Virtual Machines.
Thus you can emulate three computers and test image encryption/decryption process correctly.
All demo certificates are in /certs folder and password to PFX files is: test.
pkiNote - Free text encryption software
pkiNote Free Edition is a free software that can be used to encrypt and digitally sign text using X.509 certificates. You can then create secure abstracts in documents which will be encrypted, post encrypted web pages, create signed text in any page.
Small demostration is available on our Youtube channel:
x86 .exe installation:
User Guide
Quick Guide
Please be sure to read User Guide and specifically chapters about certificate installation.
Send us your feedback using Contact Form.
Live demonstration of Video File encryption
We have prepared a pre-alpha version of our SDK in order to show possibilities of encrypting media files using X.509 PKI certificates.
Here is the link to the video:
In this video we take two files - original and sample. And our target is to hide original video file from all users, except authorized ones. But we want this file to normal video file, that's why we replace original content with sample one. And only authorized user will original content.
In our example we generate restored file (which of course breaks all security, because original file is now unprotected) because media players dont support PKI and X.509 certificates and we need to run test on our SDKs. If media players had built-in PKI support then it would allow it to work with our SDK and decrypt the content "on-the-fly" showing it to authorized users, while unauthorized users will only see a sample.
Our new SDK allows to protect any media file using X.509 certificates
Our new libraries and SDK allow you to protect any media files, digitally sign your original media content, encrypt your media content and distribute it easily.
Have a look at the details with screenshot of prototype in our blog post about this functionality. We are still in progress of testing and prototyping these functionalities, but results already look promising.
Microsoft SkyDrive supports encrypted JPEG images
Our recent check of SkyDrive functionalities shown that you can upload, download and share encrypted JPEG images to Microsoft SkyDrive. Please have a look at our demo video in Youtube channel or here in Products tips section.
We are now starting checks with Google Drive and will post results soon.
Blog: Virtual RA for end-users
In recent blog post about Virtual Registration Authority we try to describe practical implementation and usage of PKI cloud solutions for end-users. This article summarizes several points concerning usage of classical Registration Authority against Virtual ones. We decided first to explain how end-users and companies who want just simply secure their internal documentation achieve their goals with minimum cost and effort.