Virtual Registration Authority


Virtual RA is a first SaaS solution in our line of cloud PKI solutions and it represents essential part of PKI infrastructure - managing certificates and users. Virtual RA contains full list of features which will allow you to manage your users and create certificates for them. As this solution is a "cloud" type, that means you can actually rent full infrastructure instead of stepping into long process of rolling out stand-alone Registration Authority. By just a few clicks you will get access to your Virtual RA and you can run all certificate and user management operations immediately.


  • user management (creating/importing new users, creating user groups, organizations, departments) - demo video
  • certificate request management (creating certificate requests, creating templates for different types of certificates or user groups) - demo video
  • certificates management (approving, revoking, publishing in Certificate Cloud of X.509 certificates) - demo video
  • monitoring of system health
  • logging of user and system activities
  • CRL management

Demo VRA

We can organize for you or your company a demonstration of Virtual Registration Authority - contact us to schedule a demo.